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  1. Twink Names!

    Aerie Peak - Horde Iyanie @ Aerie Peak - Game - World of Warcraft
  2. Was hoping for something different, was totally disappointed.

    Whoa, thanks for the mostly positive feedback guys. I was pretty frustrated when I posted this, and just expected to get flamed in return :P I'll add myself to the list and stick with it for a bit. Iyanie @ Aerie Peak - Game - World of Warcraft <- my armory. And don't get me wrong, I'm...
  3. Was hoping for something different, was totally disappointed.

    After reading some threads, I decided to give the f2p twink a shot. After all, everyone seemed so friendly and it wasn't much of a time investment. So I got to 20, got mostly geared (still missing a few pieces), but I decided to step into a couple of WSG to get a feel for what I was up...