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  1. <Five For Fishing> Looking for 5s and 19s!

    How about.. 69 for Fisting.
  2. Show your 24s.

    Um, message me for vent info.. To busy to play atm, editing a machinima! Rawr
  3. Show your 24s.

    Damn, pretty hot for 1 game.. Now.. This is why Im Hot.
  4. Show your 24s.

    No, I'm okay.. I have to many 24 Twinks in my Legit 24 Guild. Your guild isn't even a full team. But.. when you make a video, make sure to send it to me in a personal message. I want to see your editing skills in Windows movie maker, and I want to also see your teams super skills you speak...
  5. Show your 24s.

    I uploaded my video like 2 days ago.. and you're trying to talk trash with someone who has over 5,000 subscribers on youtube.. You are nothing. Make your small video's with your useless information and you backpeddling and running away. You have no idea how to play your class, or wow in...
  6. Show your 24s.

    No one gives a shit about "return ratios" make a video about "Return ratios" i bet you get 3 views, 1 from yourself.. 1 from your mother, and 1 from you pressing f5. Good luck have fun. You can claim #1 or w/e, but the truth of the matter is we were the first, your just a poser trying to get...
  7. Show your 24s.

    Shit.. excuse me.. you have 3 level 24 twinks in your guild.. what a joke. Get a full team before coming to these forums.
  8. Show your 24s.

    You have 9 ppl in your guild.. you lost.. just be quiet and go level a 2nd profession.,. dumbass.
  9. Show your 24s.

    You created your guild 4 days ago, ours was two weeks ago.. thus we were the first.. Nice try.. retard.
  10. Show your 24s.

    Colläteräl @ Spirestone - Game - World of Warcraft Guild Master of the World's first 24 Twink Guild. If you are interested in joining a 24 Twink guild, 18+. Hit us up. Also, there are going to be alot of mad twinks thinking that us 24...
  11. worlds first level 24 guild?

    We are nerds, we play WoW. Oh wait.. you do too.. small world?
  12. worlds first level 24 guild?

    I'd love to see a screenshot of this, so called beating. Since we are bad and all.. I'm sure it will be easy for you, a Profession Skillsurger to beat us with ease again, correct?
  13. worlds first level 24 guild?

    Yea all of us backpeddle, you should check it out on these video's. It primarily teaches you how to backpeddle. Come back when you're ready to learn the mastery of Keyboard turning and Clicking. It's quite benevolent.
  14. worlds first level 24 guild?

    The Queue's are almost instant.
  15. worlds first level 24 guild?

    Oh really now? I haven't seen you, Oh.. maybe it's because you are on Aerie peak, which is the battle group of Nightfall, and my battlegroup is Reckoning.. shit man.. I didn't know you could be on two battlegroups at once.. Why don't you teach the other stragglers your nifty tricks?
  16. worlds first level 24 guild?

    Excuse me sir, you spelled cause incorrectly. Also, I'd like to add that Just because we are the first doesn't mean we are the only. There are several other 24 Twink guilds. Nevertheless, just because a new twink bracket has been created doesn't mean you need to get butthurt because your 29...