Search results

  1. Nurturing the Bracket [US]

    I started a F2P account, got my toon to 20, have some OK gear and have played a few BGs. It was fun, but right now I am not sure what my incentive is to play the 20 vs. playing the 19 p2p I just made with twice the stats (and half the queue time). I am disc priest on both (ally p2p, horde...
  2. Twink Names!

    You have me incorrectly listed as Alliance.
  3. Twink Names!

    FTPChop - AP - Undead Priest currently leveling 1st 'twink'. Working on a 19 ally priest on my main server. Sorry for the OP class. I have mostly played clothies and I feel I need every slight edge I can get starting out as I try to catch up to the skill level of the veteran...