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  1. Game changers?

    xD ur just jelly cos ur not my wow crush ^^
  2. Make them sweat !

    Did u die that bg?
  3. "New" good twinks out there? (eu)

    good point
  4. Game changers?

    Squírtle, hes such a good mage and ccs the **** outa people going for efc whenever he is in the bg i think i jizz... i think hes my wow crush o.O luv u squirty ^^ xD
  5. "New" good twinks out there? (eu)

    there not new?
  6. xmog question

    think there is a sword that looks like shadowfang from some quest it may be ally only tho but shadowfang looks alot like protectors sword so ^^
  7. Huwoaah??

    ehm what? i was simply wondering how he did it, and from ur sig ur not even in the same guild, speak properly cant understand ****.
  8. Huwoaah??

    I was just looking at armorys when i found this .... two seal of slyvanas how is that possible?
  9. Hunter Tracking

    yep it can, its very useful when calling whether the efc is going tunn ramp or gy
  10. Cárebears Draenor (H)

    @eriwen did u get ur sf for free or did u pay for it? and QITBB has had alot of activity just not many queueing for bgs
  11. help me out? :)

    Try posting it in the f2p section i know nothing about f2p sorry
  12. Can anyone else not log on?

    nvmd sorted lock thread plz or delete if its possible
  13. Can anyone else not log on?

    It just stays on the connecting thing for ages then goes to disconnecting and just goes back the logging screen... anyone else experiencing this?
  14. where am i needed?

    i like the sound of the naked picture /wink but nah i think u should do a rep making guide **** knows how u have so much rep!
  15. New players (Bad gear)

    not great attitudes from people and i do understand that they can be dicks at times ive seen people saying there unbeatable when there gear is terrible and makes me want to be sick but if we just keep reporting them afk then they will eventually not que and i know ur thinking oh then we wil have...
  16. New players (Bad gear)

    Well as the title states new players are on the rise which is good but mainly are baring nothing but bad gear with the exception of those who have done their research etc now the bad geard players everyone has seen them and everyone has been them at one point in twinking, and you see people...
  17. Hunter:Foreman's Gloves vs. Gloves of the Fang

    gloves of fang ignore the trolls
  18. Best 19 1v1

    why is this thread even here?
  19. So any1 can beat this?

    whats fos?
  20. Shadowfang

    2,1k!!!!!! lucky bastard