Search results

  1. [EU] WTS Tarantula Silk Sash

    Nice options)
  2. Selling: Some interesting items.

    Need 1 Shadowfang and 1 Assassin's Blade, also search Tarantula Silk Sash, can buy all this items at 1 time, ready to xfer if you in EU. And will be nice if you write prices.
  3. [EU] WTS Tarantula Silk Sash

    35 <_<
  4. [EU] WTS Tarantula Silk Sash

    Yeah, like an other thread with TSS selling. :) Sorry of this offtop, but it's reason to thinking - what's wrong?! And i remind: my offer is still available, and i'm open for conter-offer. Starnoise.
  5. WTS Tarantula Silk Sash EU Draenor Horde

    Tarantula belt Hi Clutch, it's Starnoise, people say that you search me ingame, i come online every day, so if you check my offer or have any counter-offer, you can wait me or mail me ingame. :)
  6. WTB Shadowfang EU

    Still looking.
  7. WTB Shadowfang EU

    You price to thread or ingame mail to me plz, hope to price will be really) Draenor, Horde side, Greennoise.
  8. WTB Shadowfang EU

    Up. Still actually.
  9. Energy Cloak

    I mean it's rare, but no bis and price will be low.
  10. Energy Cloak

    Rare, but 39lvl no so actually now.
  11. WTB Shadowfang EU

    Slill looking for dual.
  12. WTS Shadowfang - EU Saurfang.

    I'm online last 15h) wait you) and ok, i will sent ingame mail to "Frequenz".
  13. WTS Shadowfang - EU Saurfang.

    I take it. Please wait my xfer.
  14. WTB Shadowfang EU

    Sorry for my grammar, i'm logging on "SFbuy" named chracter, i sell letters to you 10 lvl shaman and you answer on 2-3 letters.
  15. WTB Shadowfang EU

    You wrong, i sell to you many letter in you realm from "SFbuy" character, you answer to 3-4 letters ang ignore others...
  16. WTB Shadowfang EU

    Looking for Shadowfang, you realm, my transfer. you offer in this thread or ingame mail on Draenor to Greennoise.
  17. EU WTS Shadwofang

    SF selling is actually? my offer 30kg