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  1. US - Level 19 - Active Guild Directory

    Awesome thread. As someone new to the bracket I think this should be sticky. Well done Diiesel.
  2. The Age Old Question For Dwarves Hunters Bows Or Guns?

    Why not get the BiS BOA gun?
  3. Anyone from Dead On Arrival - Elune?

    turdel clicks..
  4. Thrown vs Shoot for rogues

    I am new to twinking but honestly, this shouldnt even be discussed. Thrown will always be far superior.
  5. From Zero to Twink: The Wuvz Diaries

    I am doing a similar thing right now with never twinking before. I do have my own stash of money but going from ground up without being handed any BOE's from a guild. Also doing a Ret Paladin too =) GL
  6. [Mists Of Pandaria] Curley's Rogue Guide

    Wow, that is pure terrible "brah".
  7. So, end of the world, May 21....?

    YouTube - ‪George Carlin - Religion is bullshit.‬‏
  8. 4.1 Paladin Guide

    Please take this post as constructive as possible but from someone who has been playing the game for nearly 3 years but is new to twinking, I really dont think it is nessessary to explain the benefits of different race combinations. Great guide though.