Search results

  1. \\Zendelin// Searching core members to fill our ranks for 25 man raiding.

    Guys..!! we still need more healers and dps for our sunwell progress 10-15 more ppl would be great, if you not are good geared or not the best to raid then we will help you! so dont be scared to apply!, we would love to take ppl in our guild since we really need to get this guild to grow big...
  2. \\Zendelin// Searching core members to fill our ranks for 25 man raiding.

    Zendelin Are really looking for mature / funny ppl mainly more healers and that gonna be Shamans / paladins !!!.. we could also use warriors / warlocks dps. TK 4/4 BT 9/9 SWP 1/6, and second boss to 1020k with 17 ppl we really need 25 ppl so we can get more progress and then clear...