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  1. 19 glasscannon lock?

    I've decided to make a glasscannon lock as my next twink project (though I will be building a fire, shadow, and stamina set for him) and was wondering what would good professions be? Now that the 450s aren't possible anymore, no point taking mining/herbalism without thinking. Does the crit...
  2. @ Drayner and Petition

    it really is unfortunate that some people could not max out gathering professions, for whatever reason (time, money, friends, experience, etc) but at least with uncapped professions you had the option of getting there; the POSSIBILITY, of getting there. Given how blizzard has shown no...
  3. WotLK and Twinks

    Just for the sake of pointing this out... For all those people who have twinks with 1 bubble left till ding or are similarly worried about not having room for gathering profs, you can get from 1-290 mining without ever leaving the forge. You can smelt your way from 1-290 if you just shell out...
  4. Deadsull Shield

    I'm not sure if a twink can get this item anymore. The reason I say this is because Blizzard changed the amount of XP needed to level from 1-60 and I believe this decrease has made this chain ding you. According to various WoW information websites the experience you gain from completing...