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  1. The Life, The Legend...of the Greatest Twink Ever Made. (Mass Pics)

    Just going to add that suzanne needs to swallow his/her ego. Armchair warriors unite!
  2. WoWuser v Internet Tough Guy: Internet tough guy uses his sprint ability! lol

    ^ He gets it. I think suzzane was blinded by his ego over a silly internet fight.
  3. WoWuser v Internet Tough Guy: Internet tough guy uses his sprint ability! lol

    Ok mr "UFC fan" I forgot you knew so much about fighting, as this was just posted as a funny story. But if you want to get all macho about it and puff out your peacock feathers, feel free.
  4. WoWuser v Internet Tough Guy: Internet tough guy uses his sprint ability! lol

    I apologize if linking fights goes against the site's code of conduct, but this is just too funny of a story lol. Enjoy.
  5. WoWuser v Internet Tough Guy: Internet tough guy uses his sprint ability! lol

    Words exchanged on Facebook between the two that later ensued on to this hilarious, but unfortunate predicament for the internet tough guy who actually drove to the WoW player's house, confident that he could "beat" up the "pussy nerd". Insisting that he had other plans as well, "after I beat...
  6. The Life, The Legend...of the Greatest Twink Ever Made. (Mass Pics)

    Haha, you sounded a tad agitated towards the end of the vid. Makes for a good laugh though :P. P.S. We require your excellency in the 29 bracket once again! Hunters are still op, you'll fit right in.