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  1. Vashj Strong!

    It was more of a general statement. I don't know what server Kale is on. Thanks for the support on my server decision. :)
  2. Vashj Strong!

    I actually switched over to the Vashj community because I didn't care for the community on Aerie Peak. Every community has their bad apples, though. I made some mistakes when playing with Aerie Peak players and they flambeed me and proceeded to do so long after learning from my mistake. One was...
  3. Vashj Strong!

    I don't get it, do you guys actually play your alliance toons or am I wasting my time rolling this hunter? He's level 20, but I'm not satisfied with my action bars, macros, and gear yet. I also haven't gotten around to installing all the add-ons I need/want yet, either. Been too busy trying to...
  4. Vashj Strong!

    Out of those 4, which would you say is the most desirable? I started up a warrior on AP Horde (barely have him geared), but think I'd like a F2P Alliance toon as well. I'm leaning towards Hunter, but can easily be swayed to another class. Most of my experience is with rogue [retired 29 twink]...
  5. 29 ARMS warr

    All of us in the US servers have deemed that anything outside of autoattack is considered too much. Besides hugging, sometimes we like to tickle each other's bawls.
  6. Welcome 29s

    Woosty, I'm sort of in the same predicament, except I'm currently playing on a friend's account, but really I miss PvPing on my twink. I also left fairly early in WotLK and most of my gear is probably unusable... To answer your question about the xp gain in BGs, it is turned on by default...