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  1. Diplomat

    Garrisons at 10

    Greatmother Geyah Alexi Barov Cacklebone Dawnseeker Rukaryx Fen Tao Gronnstalker Rokash Ka'la Karg Bloodfury Olin Umberhide Professor Felblast Shadow Hunter Rala Ulna Thresher Vivianne Weaponsmith Na'Shra Dagg Kal'gor the Honorable Lokra Mulverick Hey Haste checking in. These are the same 18...
  2. Diplomat

    10s Armory List

    Haste checking in :)
  3. Diplomat

    EU+US Who's still rocking the 10s life?

    I play every day as always. Hunters don't have the same problems with hit really, I can easily kill lvl50+ in pve.
  4. Diplomat

    EU+US anglers

    Doesn't hydraxian max out at honored?
  5. Diplomat

    EU+US anglers

    I'll hit 60 with this mop time walking on my 10.
  6. Diplomat

    EU+US Level 10 achievements!

    Can EU and US talk on net? I'd like to meet you Guanyin! Haste#1171
  7. Diplomat

    US Big Op coming up.

    Hey man like I told you in game, let me know if there is ever anything I can do to help out!
  8. Diplomat

    EU Lucky Fishing Hat

    You are wrong. You don't get more tastee fish but you can still fish up rare fish from the pools the entire event even if you completed the world quest. I got a hat on priest 2 weeks ago after getting hook.
  9. Diplomat

    EU+US I got a "new" title.

    I'll want to try this US Ally. Thanks!
  10. Diplomat

    EU+US Help with Thrall's Gift

    I've gotten out at lvl9 without help or doing anything unusual
  11. Diplomat

    US 10 Years Ago Today

    Grats on 10 :) I'll have to look up my oldest. Blagg was my first twink but I deleted in wrath cause mad I'd picked Runic Darkblade over Deadskull... Haste is old but rerolled a couple times in Vanilla, you know how that pesky xp bar was, trying to get all your quests in.
  12. Diplomat

    EU+US Level 10 achievements!

    Let me know if I have any that you guys haven't figured out. Always happy to help! Also :
  13. Diplomat

    US 10s Only Timbermaw Rep Raid

    My 10 soloed it. But I'll join a group any time for fun.
  14. Diplomat

    EU+US Level 10 achievements!

    we have been doing this for many years, its just a new thread :) bump me to lead I broke 4000 today!
  15. Diplomat

    EU+US Level 10 achievements!

    Thanks for adding me, and sure i'll top your list if you like give me a sec. And also, like you said, many account-wide achieves that I've actually done individually on Haste don't count. I was over 4500.
  16. Diplomat

    US Ban Hunter Dagger
  17. Diplomat

    US <Gives You Hell> Looking for 2 Resto Shamans considering xferring
  18. Diplomat

    EU+US What are Caverndeep Trudgers worth these days ?

    I had some drop a couple months ago sold for 255kish on BH.
  19. Diplomat

    US Going for Exalted Title on 10

    i'm unsure how to go about farming the following reps - any help appreciated Kirin Tor Offensive Order of the Cloud Serpent The Lorewalkers Avengers of Hyjal Guardians of Hyjal Ramkahen The Earthen Ring Wildhammer Clan
  20. Diplomat

    US Going for Exalted Title on 10

    not the point obviously. I was top achieve points for my level before account wide. Reps are still individual and its something to do to be unique.