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    I'm wondering if they keep the titles where they're at Such as blackwings bane, dragonslayer, firelord, err I forget the dragon soul ones meaning if we can hit 90, go back & faceroll heroics and get title. Or if they'll make it so you have to be lvl 85 or some similar requirement...
  2. Herald Of Titans

    Weapons meaning both off hand & main hand. Some people confuse off hand as shields for armor. Shields can be included as weapons so 232 shields & off hands. Are you allowed to use 232 relics since they qualify as weapons for hunters?
  3. What Does Your UI Look like? (80Version)

    Thats incredible feaire I tried to do it on my 85 dk back in march/feb when he had 346/359 gear Got xt-002 down to about 35%
  4. 4.3.2 Are people up for cross server full 80 icc raids.

    CoU actually had a meeting about this 2 days ago. We are going to utilize this tool once its released to its full capacity for all 3 groups. We're only horde so... Example: If we're missing a few people we'll find a few people on realid with 80's to join us or post on TI. More than likely...
  5. Champions of Ulduar (Third swing)

    Alright, have a good one
  6. Champions of Ulduar (Third swing)

    I do need a response by thursday night in order for you to continue to be considered. Do not take this as an angry or inconsiderate post, take this as a courtesy post to remind you so neither of us are suprised.
  7. Champions of Ulduar (Third swing)

    Alright, whenever your ready to come over. Right now the guild is pretty blank, but thats because we haven't picked up. Once we get into raiding more you'll see people on AT LEAST 5 days a week for at least 3 or more hours at prime time or late night. The morning/afternoon is pretty much...
  8. Champions of Ulduar (Third swing)

    I just wanted to inform everybody we'll be continuing our group 1 progression from ulduar further. This starts on january 12th for the thurs/fri/sat group. We currently dont have enough toons to use the group 2 times (tues/wed), but when we do we'll start that immediately. We're still...

  10. How am I doin' so far?

    Literally I read this, looked at your avatar...looked at the 32k crit and thought "umadbro?"
  11. Guild List

    Champions of Ulduar is on there twice fyi
  12. Champions of Ulduar (Third swing)

    Your sig looks terrible, is it supposed to be bad quality?
  13. Champions of Ulduar (Third swing)

    I could, but then if I was wrong because I didnt give you a specific class or spec you wanted then I'd be wrong... 200-219 I've seen upwards of 4.5k. normally its around 3k. Terribads will do 1-2k. In cata gear I can pull about 8.9k with no alchemy trinket, enchants, or gems and its not...
  14. Guild List

    US - Horde - Champions of Ulduar - Fizzcrank - -
  15. Champions of Ulduar (Third swing)

    Unfortunately I'm not going to answer your question until you give me the following Item level your asking about: Class/spec/ranged/melee: Level: This way I can pinpoint my memory on it if I ever witnessed it
  16. Champions of Ulduar (Third swing)

    Nahahaha....Proved u wrong thar didnt I... I'm just playin. Yes if you need to contact me I can usually be available if I'm not in-game I will be on mobile. I'm not 100% sure if I can recieve a whisper if your not in guild
  17. Champions of Ulduar (Third swing)

    Fyi I'm also having trouble getting logged if you can't speak to me I have mobile armory up with guild chat. So I'm not 100% sure if you can whisper me through there without being in the guild, should be in later tonight. If anyone wants to add me in skype pm me and I'll see if I...
  18. Champions of Ulduar (Third swing)

    So if some of you are veterans to the 80-85 bracket from back in early cata you know who we are probably. Not the biggest guild but we stay true to who we are and what we aim for. We haven't exactly been the best in activity & stability but what guild is that starts out who knows not one...
  19. <Champions of Ulduar> 80 Wotlk raiding/pvp

    I wouldn't shelve it just yet. The reason we're inactive is because we're taking a break which means the guild is pretty much dead until the break is over. The break should be over next week but we may be pushing it a bit longer. Our other guild is kind of finishing up they're thing so we may...
  20. My fuse for retards

    is about this short You didnt see it did you? Yeah me neither...