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  1. Rate my 19 Hunter

    well i cancelled my wow subscription anyway because im going to play Star Wars: the Old Republic.
  2. Rate my 19 Hunter

    so much hate for hunters. Twinks are spose to own so why not use the most ownage class?
  3. Rate my 19 Hunter

    i prefer lynx simply because crit gives crit only. Agility gives AP, crit and dodge
  4. Rate my 19 Hunter

    Halberd stays. I repeat, i wont be hit capped if i drop it
  5. Rate my 19 Hunter

    if i swap out the wep, i wont be hit capped
  6. Rate my 19 Hunter

    made this guy during WoTLK, only tweaked his gear to the cata changes. My how i miss AP from Int.
  7. Rate my 19 Hunter

    Lyconis @ Shadowmoon - Game - World of Warcraft Hit capped, 31% crit chance. This guy is a beast. Only change i might make is getting the dwarven cannon but thats a minor thing.
  8. 19 Feral Druid - Ceec, Draenor

    If you're overhit capped, change a BoA piece to a hunter BoA piece cuz <40 it changes to leather so u can wear it and get more crit rating.
  9. Rate my 19 Hunter

    rly? everytime i go into BGs they all have diff gear to me as most dont believe hit rating isnt necessary at low lvls.
  10. Rate my 19 Hunter

    gtfo beiber =P
  11. Rate my 19 Hunter

    Im only over-hit capped by 2 hit rating. If i drop any of my hit rating gear ill fall below 5% so being 6% is a bonus or when i do duel NE's.
  12. Rate my 19 Hunter

    Lyconis @ Shadowmoon - Game - World of Warcraft Aimed for 6% Hit for when I duel Nightelves. Topping every WSG ive entered since finishing him.
  13. BiS for a few classes

    Survival Hunter Lyconis @ Shadowmoon - Game - World of Warcraft
  14. Hunter Pets?

    Between the dragonhawk and cat, is the DH better for dps? The DH's bite and Cat's claw abilities both do the same damage and the cat doesnt get the roar of courage @ lvl 19 but the DH increases your magic damge.