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  1. are daggers the best set up for rogues?

    i still refuse to believe you must be bottlenecked into playing specific weapons, specific spec. experiment with a variety of weapon/ spec combonations. well, as much as we can at 70. find something new, start a trend ^^ If a rogue opens with ambush, unless its one shot kill, then natural...
  2. are daggers the best set up for rogues?

    2 swords are still viable for 70 subtelty :> just clonk the shit out of things ^^ utilize cs, ks, bleeds, spam abuse vanish and reopeners. still fun, then again i guess opening with a fat crit is also fun : /
  3. Most OP 2s comp?

    As Rogue and Resto Druid setup, 2x wtfprotholydins waddled out of the gate sporting 27k hp each... cost us 9 rating >.>