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  1. sewergator

    Which class do have the most fun with?

    are there any videos of holy pallys or disc/shadow priest that are in 5.4? also how are rets? anyone stream the bracket? Sewer
  2. sewergator

    Which class do have the most fun with?

    i was thinking priest because i could switch between disc and shadow when i got bored, because i thought i was reading that ret doesnt do much dmg wise
  3. sewergator

    Which class do have the most fun with?

    alright, as of now i am considering either a shadow/disc priest, (guessing disc is the healing spec still for 24s) arms warrior, or possibly feral druid does anyone stream/have current videos of the bracket? thanks for all of the answers! Sewer
  4. sewergator

    Which class do have the most fun with?

    alright, as of now i am considering either a shadow/disc priest, (guessing disc is the healing spec still for 24s) arms warrior, or possibly feral druid does anyone stream/have current videos of the bracket? thanks for all of the answers! Sewer
  5. sewergator

    Which class do have the most fun with?

    how are warriors? list time i played one was in bc at 19 i have mostly played hunter/rogue/holy pally twinks in the past and would like to stray away from my comfort pick. any armories that have bis horde gear that i should be directed to as well? thanks Sewer
  6. sewergator

    Which class do have the most fun with?

    thinking bout coming back to the bracket and looking for something that is fun and will keep me playing, so which class do you have the most fun with, and why? thanks for the help Sewer
  7. sewergator

    Does 20-24s pop all day or only during peak times

    now i just need to figure out what class i want to play
  8. sewergator

    Does 20-24s pop all day or only during peak times

    pretty much post title thanks cy@
  9. sewergator

    How active are 19s for US

    I havent played in a few months and I am wondering about how often 19s pop or if they still pop all the time still.
  10. sewergator

    streaming 49s pvp nights

    awesome, you have no idea how long I've wanted someone to stream so i can check out the bracket.
  11. sewergator


    hey, just checking in on how warlocks are doing in the bracket, any info would be nice, as well as what spec seems to be commonly played. some armories if you could swing it would be nice too. thanks in advance -Sewer
  12. sewergator

    No pet battles in mop

    it might be like everything that bliz comes out with and be reduced to free, or 10g lol
  13. sewergator

    Boa buy order

    why shoulders first?
  14. sewergator

    Boa buy order

    i wasnt sure if the dps from the sword made it better or not, so ill just grab the chest
  15. sewergator

    Boa buy order

    i am wondering, for a fury warrior, should i be getting the armor boas first or getting the 1h sword first?
  16. sewergator

    QUESTIONS! Do you have a simple question? Ask it here!

    is there a recommended buy order for boas on a warrior?
  17. sewergator

    80-89 80 Best in slot (PvE and PvP)

    sounds good. when ever i get enough drive to level mine from 70 to 80 ill be there
  18. sewergator

    80-89 80 Best in slot (PvE and PvP)

    so does ferocious bite do more than the health pool like at 70? lol
  19. sewergator

    80-89 80 Best in slot (PvE and PvP)

    so how are feral druids in this bracket, pvp wise
  20. sewergator

    Summer Real ID Premade Nights!

    im interested, and i play a feral druid (a) let me know