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  1. Rated battleground

    Check your Inbox sent u a message
  2. Rated battleground

    yeah we had like Serious lag issues the mage was lagging and i was lagging and the palyl wasn't lol But when your que'ing Hit me up i would love to Que into you guys
  3. Rated battleground

    Hi i am beatmyhealz(Icriteasy,kitelol,Horusjr, my other twinks) off of Whirlwind battle group/Lightbringer Realm I am getting together a Rated battleground here preaty soon got enough people and was just looking for someone to Que into to If anyone gots 15/10 matters on the week that we can Que...
  4. First on Whirlwind

    Anyone know who the first on whirlwind is it would be nice to know the ranks but it is so hard to see. my Arena team Wreck house Restro druid(beatmyhealz) Prot pally(qtlaforbsia) rank 7 at2068 rating will have 2.2k this weekend anyone on whirlwind Bg group post?
  5. 70 hunter pvp LOL?

    So i've had my hunter at 70 FOREVER not the best gear or anything but i can do some decent damage i was just wondering if we are going ot be getting a buff in an upcoming patch any ideas?
  6. 70 Rogue Proffs/Gear

    My rogue has Inscription and Herbalism. The lifebloom is both really nice for the Haste and the Heal(since i can't heal myself) which it gives me enough Hp to get off about another couple 5k muts matters how i am playing and Here is my Link to my Armory Icriteasy @ Lightbringer - Game - World of...
  7. 74's in ARENA ?!?!?

    Think they might make it so only lvl 70's can do arena in the future?
  8. Do we get titles?

    are 70 twinks allowed to get tittles and achievemetns and reward for arena at the end of the seaon?
  9. 74's in ARENA ?!?!?

    Well see i think the Cc of cyclone will help But do u think they might change it any time soon? i don't want to mess up my 70 twink i've worked so hard on
  10. 74's in ARENA ?!?!?

    Yeah so the other day i ran into a 74 pally in arena so i have a quick question can 74's do arena with the 70's? if so i am a boomkin i would love to have Cyclone so why not lvl to 74?