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  1. Currently listening to... - Part 2!

    Sorry for double posting, but that isn't even a very good song, imo. Here's some GOOD trance.
  2. Currently listening to... - Part 2!

    Someone get this man a thank.
  3. Currently listening to... - Part 2!

    Indeed they are. But that song is absolute shit and is quite often the butt of our jokes. @Redner My life be like smoking in the boys room lololololol
  4. Currently listening to... - Part 2!

    I know your opinion is supposed to matter and all but it's really hard to take you seriously when you post such garbage.
  5. Currently listening to... - Part 2!

    Don't mind Redner, he has a vagina. Anyways, continuing with good metal (I'm into the oldies).
  6. Post Your Ingame UI

    You're right, you did beat me on a class I play a lot. Good show. If you cared to read my post, you'd know that I took it off. But nice try anyways. That's what you meant to say, yeh?
  7. Post Your Ingame UI

    49 is new 80 bb The way you act around Raku and you of all people are trying to call me out about riding someone's dick? They had a Canadian one in there, but they figured no one cared about Canada so they tossed it. Soz :(
  8. Post Your Ingame UI

    Ahhh. going with all of the classics I see. (Your excuses as to why you lost: It was lag, bug abusing, partner sucked, I haven't played this class in ages, etc.) I honestly don't care about the whole ordeal, I just want to know how it feels to lose to such "bad players". Also, @badplayers...
  9. Post Your Ingame UI

    You mean when I took the trinket off the first game because I forgot I had it on and Spazzy went and cried. But he must've forgotten to tell you that.
  10. Post Your Ingame UI

    It's not attempted if I succeeded. Also, idiotic humor? What are you twelve kid? lolololol.
  11. Post Your Ingame UI

    Sorry, Jo. Must've had you mixed up with Colt. Wait no, that's not right...
  12. Post Your Ingame UI

    Wait, I thought he lost to us like 3-4 times? OHHHHHHHHHHHH i c wut u r doing kekekekekekek