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  1. [RIFT] Need Beta 6 Packet Dumps

    Got 4 beta invites, cba to d/l. umad? But really, making a rift twink server is an utter waste of time. No one will play it because the game is a piece of shit. Movements too clunky, looks like lotro??, nothing new or spectacular about it. The whole basis of having so much customization in...
  2. Cant Afford LK recruiting

    Im not interested but server? EU/US? faction?
  3. frank sinatra and friends.

    Some things, are best kept to ones self.
  4. Firetruckk III intro ROUGH preview.

    I shouldnt have to put my own music on to make a video pleasurable, its up to the video maker to use music that everyone would enjoy, you dont see film adverts with notice's at the bottom saying "feel free to put your own music on if you dislike our choice" do you?
  5. Firetruckk III intro ROUGH preview.

    0:25 = one second of screamo. DISLIKE1!>!!!!11111
  6. Firetruckk III intro ROUGH preview.

    You spelled nineteen wrong, and i hate screamo music so probably will dislike the video!
  7. Full 70 Sunwell Raids... owait

    HAHAHAH SO FUNNY MATE No one cares.