Search results

  1. Talbar Mantle Restoration

    Damn GM's took 4 Trys but i got it back! Thanks for your input guys :)
  2. Talbar Mantle Restoration

    Can anyone give me any advise as to how to get this restored? I have opened tickets, I have done the quest, I have had the item, but somewhere along the line, iv deleted it or vendored it. Now I want it back, not so much because its useful but its just one of those items that is of...
  3. WTB Forumla Greater Stats to Chest (4 stats) Paying a lot of gold on any server

    It never hurts to send the seller an ingame mail, saying youve been watching the item for a while and are willing to offer them x amount. Thats what i did and got my formula for 5k Gl getting your hands on one :)
  4. Prot warrior gear descision.

    Ok so ive got 2 potential gear sets, im just trying to decide which one i want to roll with and if either one of them is worth putting together, ive more or less based these sets of the gear listed on the 29 warrior guide thats floating around somewhere below. The one im leaning towards is...
  5. Spider's Silk

    I farmed the silk for 2 pairs of boots on my 19 off the spiders on the left hand (when you look at the map) of the big circle thing in duskwood i cant for the life of me remember what that subzone is called, took me about an hour, i think the mobs are called black widows.
  6. Hit rating question.

    Hi guys, im new to this bracket, and since alot of you know warriors in the 19 bracket are FUBAR, so im rolling a 29 so i can play one as prot :) I haven't been able to find alot in regards to hit rating for 29's, i guess my main questions are: 1) What is the hit cap for a 29 prot...
  7. So..... i just got 1 shot by a hunter and he's laughing at me?

    As much as it hurts me, i have to agree, after seeing this i will be retiring my hunter of 4 years untill things are balanced out.
  8. Why did you.....

    My very first twink was made probably just after BC hit, my main was still only lvl 54 and tbh lvling to 70 was not very appealing. So i started a new toon, a night elf hunter, why? because i didnt know any better i didnt realise how op they were untill i got towards the end of my gearing...
  9. Any Active Oceanic Guilds?

    Hey Grizz! Whats been happening man, are you playing 19s again?
  10. Any Active Oceanic Guilds?

    Hi guys, Im wondering if there are any active oceanic guilds out there, preferably Horde as ive already faction changed and dont feel very inclined to repeat the process. I am interested in xfering my toon so i can queue with people rather than on my lonesome.
  11. Price check on Blackened Defias pants/gloves

    Title says it all. Im sure there are probably a fair few of these items still floating around, but i was curious as to what their current market price is as i havent seen any on the AH since the shattering. Cheers :)
  12. Finding out when you character was created

    Thanks! Took me a while to find the section i needed but i got there. If anyone else is interested in finding this out here is the direct link Char Search - Like Hamcake said it doesnt look as though its 100% accurate but it was close enough for me. I also...
  13. Finding out when you character was created

    This has had me quite curious for a long time now, but i think it would be interesting for find out the exact date that some of my characters were made, it seems as though ive had them forever but i can never recall creating them. Does anyone know of a way to find the date that one of you...
  14. New hunter

    I just mailed my alliance one over, it appears unusable in the mailbox but once i took it out it automatically changed to the horde version, hope that helps
  15. Hunters pet: Bat bugged?

    Didnt think of that, worked like a dream Thanks :)
  16. Hunters pet: Bat bugged?

    Hey Guys, Im fairly new to these forums, but ive been looking for a topic on this and havent been able to find one. Is anyone else having issues with their bats Sonic Blast constantly being dropped from their pet bars whenever their pet dies or any other time your pet dissapears...