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  1. OST on Mal'Ganis

    Anyone interested in participating in the OST (Old School Twinking), please PM me or Mochabad for more information. And for those who are interested and KNOW a little bit about the idea, please let me know if you're in on this. Please PM that you want to do this, or just comment on the thread...
  2. Old School Twinks (OST) Requirements

    It's not over for that idea yet. Just contact ganksta. He's been helping me the most, and him and I are in charge of the OST, but he is now.
  3. Old School Twinks (OST) Requirements

    Thanks so much everyone, I think I'm going to download it today!
  4. Old School Twinks (OST) Requirements

    I'm thinking about it. How active is it? If I can help in anyway, I will. It's better to have people download something for free, than pay to xfer their twinks to Mal'Ganis. And I saw a video for Hamcakeland, and I died a little inside, remembering how fun it was back then. I have a few...
  5. Old School Twinks (OST) Requirements

    I've heard of that. But never knew much about it. How much space does the download take? Do I need to pay for it?
  6. Old School Twinks (OST) Requirements

    I wouldn't xfer JUST yet. I'll xfer to test it out before anyone does anything they'll regret, we already have people working on rerolling, so for now I'd reroll, because I'd rather see my money wasted than anyone else's. Also, link ur rogue please. And I'll help with getting rumsey to the...
  7. How important is Resilience for 20s?

    Isn't supposed to be NO BOAS?
  8. Rollin' Old School

    Read my new thread. And we WON'T ban Concussive shot. It's going to be fun, I actually hope you doubters don't come enjoy it with us.
  9. Old School Twinks (OST) Requirements

    Good idea.
  10. Old School Twinks (OST) Requirements

    Try alliance!:) and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell EVERY twink or former twink about this. PLEASE!!!!!!
  11. Rollin' Old School

    Who said ban concussive shot? I didn't. We won't ban it. Only Scatter, Aimed, and Disengage.
  12. Old School Twinks (OST) Requirements

    Once I get my shaman xferred to Mal'Ganis, I will be making a guild for people who miss the good ol' days of twinking. Nothing is set in stone, but this could be a good idea, and for those who think it's a bad idea, just don't reply to this thread. -No boa -Level 19's only -Have xp off at...
  13. Rollin' Old School

    I agree. We won't ban classes, only a few moves. And you rogues should go combat.
  14. My ideas for playing old school again!

    I feel like an ass taking all the credit, so you don't need to say that:P but thanks! And I like all of your ideas, I think I'm going to xfer my shaman there, (horde) take off his BoA and make a guild. Only reason I'm not making a new toon is because I can xfer with 300g, and I can get the guild...
  15. Rollin' Old School

    And if you think it's stupid, don't do it dumb ass.
  16. Rollin' Old School

    Thank you!
  17. Regular bg's with xp off?

    Umm..just que for xp on bgs and get flag and dont cap and screw around if ur good enough
  18. My ideas for playing old school again!

    Yo, WE need a lot of supporters, not just you. I'm the one who came up with this, (not to be mean and take all the credit), but we're working as a team. I like your ideas, but I honestly think rogues and hunters even without their talent moves are going to be OP. I say we have VERY few...
  19. Rollin' Old School

  20. Things on my mind.

    Well as some of you know, me and a few people from TI will be taking on this idea of reliving the days of old school 19 twinking, and here's a few ideas I pulled up: -Find a server, everyone get on it -No BoA, Little to no hunters/rogues -XP off until we get all of our gear, then xp on for...