Search results

  1. Pally spec

    I've chosen holy, thanks everyone :)
  2. Pally spec

    I was thinking of Holy, has anyone tried ret? Viable for horde in pugs?
  3. Pally spec

    I'm not sure which spec I want to go for pally. either ret or holy. Which is more interesting? which is harder/easier to gear? etc... I'm not on AP with this toon so I'll mainly be pugging. thanks in advance. :Horde::US:
  4. Life Story In A Nut Shell

    MY life in a nutshell... So, i go to work at this shitty fast food place on the fryer and it sucks. if it wasn't illegal im pretty sure my boss would pay me LESS then minimum wage cause hes a ****ing cheap ass bitch. Not to mention this dude i work with wants to "be a super star" but is ugly...
  5. Remember when...

    ^^ we'll be saying "remember when we only had chest, wep, help, cloak, trinket, and shoulder BoA's" or "Remember when you had to grind for your satchel loot"
  6. Sum peoples kids

    why...just why...
  7. Where to find these?

    I farmed mine in RFC, got a lupine cord there
  8. bon now lvl 2 :) 5% more xp!

    congratz :D
  9. I love cats. I love every kind of cat.

    You're a real man if you have cats. You can live with a dog and no matter what it'll love you. if you have cats then you're living with things that probably don't even LIKE you. go cats.
  10. BoA sending question

    as of now there is no info on this being possible, that i know of at least
  11. Farewell for reall

    sup, im faithsfx, and even though on the battlefield i'd /spit or /laugh you were still my favorite to see on horde. you were a formidable enemy and skilled. sometimes a bit of an ass, but none the less a great player and definitely respected.
  12. Congratz you're a rogue!

    Let's compare druids next. Dakoduh or Darkchewie O.O
  13. what mouse do you use

    Trackpad. ftw
  14. What items should i wear?

    Oh, well the blue helmet is the only thing you need. Now go play runescape.
  15. 15 Preist twink?

    Always been 11
  16. My ideas for playing old school again!

    we decided a full server for many reasons, its in my original post
  17. Old School Twinks (OST) Requirements

    I've rerolled for the time being. I do have a rogue with Tunic of Westfall that id love to use and he's ally :D Btw tonight through tomorrow i'll be writing a list of each class along with spells which are usable and which are banned (and why). expect it tomorrow night, oh and it wont be a...
  18. Old School Twinks (OST) Requirements

    We hsould start with most people horde to make sure we have a handle before we spread ourselves. Just a thought
  19. My ideas for playing old school again!

    start on horde for now and try to lean towards leveling a healer. im making a prot warrior and tamer is a lock. but for anyone deciding to do this roll horde for now to get that side started before we expand onto the other faction
  20. My ideas for playing old school again!

    People will want to ruin it but hopefully we get enough people who jsut want to have at least something small, like 20ish supporters. we dont need something as large as the 19's bracket. We do want to mae sure we can contain our rules and such.