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  1. E'ko Madness

    How did you guys do this achievement. I am trying it with my DK80 in group. DK kills solo while twink is following ---> only buff for DK, never for twink Or I first shot mobs with twink then kill it with main DK --> never buff for twink So, how is this working?
  2. Achievement points!

    My quest counter is damaged again. I was lucky to get 1k achievement though. During that counter worked correctly after doing a quest. But now its stucked at around 750...even if i do quests. Does it come from patch? Anybody else got this error?
  3. Achievement points!

    After one day of questing in westfall my questcounter was almost 800. So I was sure to get 1k achiev within the next days. But yesterday my counter dropped to 424 qs completed. GM said he cant do anything because old qs dont count anymore and shit. Do you have the same problem or is it only...