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  1. SW:TOR going F2P in July.

    I just had a look at BW's server status page, and though that can hardly be called intense research, it appears that there is no server with a higher population than what they call "Standard." Based on that, I've decided I'm going to go f2p on the server "Drooga's Pleasure Barge." It's listed...
  2. SW:TOR going F2P in July.

    I played TOR up to level 28 then had to quit because I couldn't keep up with paying for two MMOs at once. WoW won, but from what I saw in TOR, I loved it. I'm not really sure what it is about it that people didn't like. Now, I admit I was one of those who had been waiting for this (since...
  3. SW:TOR going F2P in July.

    So, I might be arriving late to some party I never knew about here, but.... Bioware has announced that The Old Republic is going F2P up until level 15 in July. I, for one, am certainly going to give twinking in a f2p TOR a try, but what about others? I admit, I've done absolutely NO PvP in TOR...
  4. <Acquired Taste> Level 70 Raiding Guild [EU-A]

    I've actually just, accidentally stole someone's forum name on here without realizing it. Thanks for answering my question :)
  5. <Acquired Taste> Level 70 Raiding Guild [EU-A]

    question: With 4.0.1, Badges of Justice (if I'm getting the name right) no longer exist. Instead, the gear vendors ask for Justice Points (or so I've heard, haven't checked this particular thing out myself just yet), but they ask for prices that no 70 could possibly get in a reasonable time...
  6. 20 twinking?

    Yeah, my bad....saw a post you made on a different thread after I made it. Oops.
  7. 20 twinking?

    No, not trolling. Asking a serious question. Got a serious answer. Move along.
  8. 20 twinking?

    Just a question, does anybody twink at level 20? It's something I'd be interested in but honestly don't know for sure if I should...I suppose everyone's just gonna tell me to go for 29s because it's the top of the bracket, but I'm thinking more in terms of low-level PvE and stuff. Thoughts?