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  1. 4.0.1... Thought I was set on a 70 twink to build, now i don't know....

    Moonkin is pretty OP atm, and like falkor said their shapeshifting is cheap as fuck so if you take dmg you can just run away, HoT up and continue your dmg, and tbh i still use my brutal PVP gear it gives me over 20% dmg reduc and 15994 health. Shamans are alright too, but i eat shamans for...
  2. New PVP spec for warriors?

    Havent tried PVP'ing as prot.. but ive been doing fury and ive gotta say its not that bad, other than the casual 'misses' and rage buildup difficulties.. other than that i can dish out a pretty decent amount of dmg in such short time.
  3. New PVP spec for warriors?

    Why prot though? the Survivability?
  4. New PVP spec for warriors?

    Sooo ive been wondering what the best pvp spec is now for twink 70 warriors.. Tried out fury, has rage issues. Tried out arms, MS sucks and bladestorm is just a laugh now. So which conqueors now?
  5. Need a Challenge..

    I know.. he just stopped playing i guess =|
  6. 2800+ Warrior Lf INSANE healer for 70 2s.

    spell better atleast? Could hardly makeout wtf you were saying.
  7. Best mount for 70 twink?

    Turtle from fishing for land mount imo. My twink warrior has it and i think its funny as hell rolling into arenas with it.
  8. Need a Challenge..

    well you see i was always told the slower wep always goes in MH, aaand whenever i switch both weps, it says i do more damage than having Apolyn in mainhand sooo yaaa.
  9. Need a Challenge..

    I never got the chance to face him in 2s with the gear i have today, though i got paired against his team when i was still in heirlooms and kara gear, of course he facerolled me, and yeah it seems he knows what hes doing. But since then i took the chance to get all the BiS gear i could and now i...
  10. Need a Challenge..

    So. I heard Rxr's account got banned, sooo that means his mantle of being #1 in emberstorm battlegroup is now mine.. and since hes been outta the fight, there really isnt much challenge anymore.. soooo SOMEONE GIVE ME A CHALLENGE!