Search results

  1. 60 or 64? and what druid spec

    Fee is bad! Love, Fuse <3
  2. What's the most active 60's Realm? {Horde, PvP and PvE}

    on KT there's also Dirtnap Ninjas, and that's really the most active. both of these are horde guilds though
  3. Makin a PvP Video

    Chrispy or The Raspian?
  4. Real guild

    Warsong is pretty cool too, with Headstrong. :D
  5. _- You And One Army -_ recruiting!!!

    We need to spread the word!
  6. Noob Steamed is noob

    Wow.. that's amazing.. :o
  7. Noob Steamed is noob

    afaik is as far as i know! Urbandictionary to the rescue.
  8. Noob Steamed is noob

    tbh is to be honest, i dunno about afaik :D
  9. _- You And One Army -_ recruiting!!!

    Not a bad idea, would you provide everything? :D
  10. _- You And One Army -_ recruiting!!!

    respect, respect. haha
  11. _- You And One Army -_ recruiting!!!

    Where'd you go!
  12. _- You And One Army -_ recruiting!!!

    Yeah! haha, i just got on really fast my char's name is Fen, he's in Teldrassil.. :D
  13. _- You And One Army -_ recruiting!!!

    I tried to find you, but i couldn't.. :(
  14. Sunbursts

    this is a fantastic thread. :D
  15. Any BGs popping (XP off)?

    60's dead til Cata, :(
  16. Prot Paladin in 4.0

    ey, just a random side-note any full 60 bg's runnin on US?
  17. Titles available at 60

    Ambassador is really, really easy for a human. basically just do all the 1-20 areas, and you'll have it like that. but also rep grind for IF in AV, as a tip. :D
  18. 60 Twinks - Fear NOT!

    i know, i know i meant like "DPS" specs, i'm prot specced right now
  19. 60 Twinks - Fear NOT!

    yeah, prot's like the only way to go now, i'm rollin on a warrior, and they're just sooooooo screwed right now, :(
  20. 60 Twinks - Fear NOT!

    no way to tell with AV til someone gets que, i talked to my friend and he said he got in with 51-60s, but i have yet to confirm that.