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  1. 29 Rogue Cataclysm changes

    None of the sites appear to have updated these items. I do however have a Vendetta and Mantle of Thieves in my bags which now require level 30. I also have Dog Training Gloves and Deadman's Hand which appear unchanged.
  2. 29 Rogue Cataclysm changes

    Requires level 30. To salt the wound it's now 1.8 speed.
  3. 29 Rogue Cataclysm changes

    All items from RFK now require level 30. Goodbye Vendetta, Mantle of Thieves and most likely Ferine Leggings.
  4. 29 Rogue Cataclysm changes

    I copied to the PvP server of course. I've been questing in Northern Stranglethorn and hoping to run into someone.
  5. torturing poker getting nerfed

    Looks to be main hand only, 1.4 speed. Boo.
  6. 29 Rogue Cataclysm changes

    I transferred my 29 rogue over to the test realm and have noted a few things: Pluses: + Health is back up to pre-enchant-nerf levels. + Attack Power is insane, I have over 700 in what I considered my general use gear. + Buffs to the base damage of Ambush and Backstab make them very...