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  1. Achievement points! (2)

    Good bye to all ;) Will be my last day in WoW today. Take care and never give up ur lvl 19!
  2. Achievement points! (2)

    Cause Pala is op! ;) If someone got one Allianz lvl 85 Char on Draenor I offer 1k Cenarion Keys for like 3h of ur time - w/me ingame if interessted ;) So long cya
  3. Achievement points! (2)

    @ all lvl 19er !!!!!!!!!!!!! TOMORROW - the 13th October - at 6pm (18 o clock for german´s) we start an Arathi Premade - all twinks are invited - horde @ draenor wishpering me for invite - the french build 1 group too and I hop alliance Draenor will join too. IMPORTANT: Dont...
  4. Achievement points! (2)

  5. Achievement points! (2)

    Yes - u could get into that dungeon. And im happy to tell that the Ogrilla Rep will get fixed a following patch. So long
  6. Achievement points! (2)

    Thats not true Secc - NPCScan does work quite fine - the only point u have to change is that u have to insert the Rare IDs Numbers. Numbers: fake Kamel: 50410 rare Kamel: 50409 World for both Kalimdor Name: Mystious Camelfigure And at least - clear ur Cache -...
  7. Achievement points!

    How did u get the Kamel Achiev Sec? Did u got lucky with the grey one - if yes - there is no hero achievment. So let me know ;)
  8. Achievement points!

  9. Achievement points!

    /push !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  10. Achievement points!

    /push !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Achievement points!

    @ Medo - ur right. Like I wrote only 5 people in group and the same rep lvl! Ghost / Raid and lvl 80 out of group doesnt work. @ Iba - when u show me the other 4k Keys u need then I will. @ all - I WANT MY MANA...
  12. Achievement points!

    Its possible with max 5 people in a group - but u have to think about 1 lvl 70+ to kill the mobs u summon. If u make a raid with 5+ ppl u will loos rep ( 50 rep for each member more than 5 ). Important is that all Twink have the same reputation lvl! If 1 is more up then another they wont share...
  13. Achievement points!

    /push !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Achievement points!

    Achievment Loot 1000g - Worlddragons Cenarion - u need Keys of the Astraleum (alot - to farm in Nethersturm around Ultiris ) Argent Dawn - there are 4 Fields -kill the mobs there - some bring 10 rep per kill.
  15. Achievement points!

    And update: It is possible to get Exaltet at Knights of the Ebon Blade - It takes a while and its really ugly to do - but it is possible ;)
  16. Achievement points!

    Well the point is - to find 10 ppl who join the same BG at the same time + the dps u need to do in 25min is impossible. U can deal like 100k dmg in 25min - so I think this Achiev is impossible after they patched wsg. I was closed 2 Years ago - 2 times the server shut down ;) So well im...
  17. Achievement points!

    /push ;) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Achievement points!

    /push -----> I need some new crazy idea´s ----> gogogogo
  19. Achievement points!

    /push it up !!!
  20. Achievement points!

    It took me 1 Month - every Day 4h farming of Keys of the Astraleum and another 2 Weeks to hand all in - but with 2 ppl it goes alot faster.