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  1. How do you farm TW Runeblade of Baron Rivendare

    are there ones that drop different stats?
  2. How do you farm TW Runeblade of Baron Rivendare

    after 3 ten-hour days, 3x mount drops, 10k tw badges, countless lfr tw dungeon rotations, x1 sword dropped. arms spec, lvl 11.
  3. How to: Farm timewalking instances

    if you stay in the instance, make sure you get some kind of mailbox toy/item so you can send repairbots/vendors to your twink. Katy's Stampwhistle for example.
  4. How do you farm TW Runeblade of Baron Rivendare

    but your character was a lvl 11 that the sword dropped on right?
  5. How do you farm TW Runeblade of Baron Rivendare

    does this blade drop for lvl 11 fury rolling as tank? i've gotten the mount 3 times and havent gotten this sword once, only seen a higher level get it once. been farming it for 2 day straight.
  6. Legion Timewalking

    When you farm these, are you using those specs just to get the item and swapping to a main spec fater, or are you gearing up each spec?