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  1. Best level 10 twink AOE spell

    i think too many people base things of kind of the standard twink atm which is a fury warrior. warrior, mw, and a holy priest can basically just run through the dungeon without caring too much. if you play other twinks like a resto druid, mage, or a resto shaman like you try playing a fury...
  2. Show some love for this Blizzard forum post about XP debuff permabans

    I just hope people doing this for money or people who really abused boosting alts with twinks haven't messed it up for people like me who just enjoying random queues, and maybe helping a few randoms level up super fast along the way. They could make a system similar to pvp where twinks only can...
  3. Possible new bug to basically give you a super timewalking dungeon '100% drop rate'

    Basically I had a couple characters camped inside different tbc tw dungeons to carry my level 1 twink, and I noticed that even tho it's a different tw event this week the dungeon is staying in tw as long as my character is camped inside. I know I posted similar maybe a month or so ago but this...
  4. is there anyway to enough gold on a level 1 twink as ftp to turn off xp?

    just incase people wanted extra validation lol
  5. is there anyway to enough gold on a level 1 twink as ftp to turn off xp?

    Kind of a mess but this was taken from just one run, biggest ticket items being rings, necks, the bc gems, and the primal. Seems a legit method as long as no one minds that fact youll end up with about half of a bar worth of xp once done. If you want the most minimal way of doing this possible...
  6. is there anyway to enough gold on a level 1 twink as ftp to turn off xp?

    actually figured out a way but it does require some character resets. once you get summoned into a tw dungeon via raf you can farm the high value cloth and hope for ring and neck drops since they sell for around 2-4g but all the other greens sell for almost nothing. after testing you only get...
  7. is there anyway to enough gold on a level 1 twink as ftp to turn off xp?

    Trying to see if there is a solution to disable xp without needing to subscribe first. I basically would like to make a level 1, somehow grind enough gold on the level 1, and disable the xp. Are there any methods you guys are aware of? I have gone to the extremes of thinking I could maybe raf...
  8. What are some odd twink choices you have come across 10-15?

    Been more fascinated by the non meta twinks. seen tons of fury, resto shamans, mw monks, and cat weave also seems to be more common now as well. What are some weird ones that you guys have seen work or at least kind of work? Mostly just looking for ideas and at the same time hoping it will...
  9. Anyone know what neck I could get besides the amnesia one?

    actually nvm i got it idk why it made me redo tw like 10 times lol
  10. Anyone know what neck I could get besides the amnesia one?

    yeah idk it only gives me ruby
  11. Anyone know what neck I could get besides the amnesia one?

    Can I enter the newer uld at level 11? seems like azure might be my best bet for a quick one
  12. Anyone know what neck I could get besides the amnesia one?

    Trying to figure out an alternative neck to get for the sockets. I don't feel like paying for df again to unlock adventure mode or doing all the quests lol. If anyone knows of an alternative please let me know my warrior is super close to being bis besides the neck and the rings. level 11 btw
  13. Is there a way to skip the wod opening quest on a new account?

    i was talking about the wod quest i listed the wrong expansion lol
  14. Is there a way to skip the wod opening quest on a new account?

    ignore my question I figured it out. Just incase someone else comes across this: Yes, you can skip it even on a new account just abandoned the tw quest it gives you right after accepting it. Take the portal to ash and you should be all good.
  15. Is there a way to skip the wod opening quest on a new account?

    I could have sworn I saw someone just pick it up and then disbanded right away opening the portal. I just don't wanna brick another character lol, currently almost finished on my 2nd warrior after bricking my other one due to the shadowlands quest.
  16. Possible new bug to basically give you a super timewalking dungeon '100% drop rate'

    Hopefully newer people can use this to get their weapons at least. took forever for my 2nd fury warrior to get just one tw 2h weapon but parking it made getting the 2nd way less painful lol
  17. Possible new bug to basically give you a super timewalking dungeon '100% drop rate'

    So I came across this on accident, I'm in the process of testing this out more and hoping others can help me test it as well. Yesterday I really needed a timewalking weapon for my newer time so after the boss that dropped it didn't drop it for me I just decided to force close the game, I don't...
  18. thoughts on using oil over flame for resto shamans?

    For me at least it costs about 50-70g per oil but seems worth it since I get +6 intellect and some crit from it. Thoughts on using this over flametongue since flame only gives some extra fire damage unless im understanding it wrong? Just seems a bit smarter since it also increases chain damage...
  19. Can't enter keep at level 10

    yeah i was using the wrong entrance before but found the right one and managed to get it thanks.
  20. Can't enter keep at level 10

    yeah i think i was trying the first entrance that saw since it had been awhile. its really weird tho because it gave me the error saying you need to be level 20 to enter uk