Search results

  1. Yayo

    WTB Lvl 20 Flurry Axe(s)

    Hey all. Looking for 2 lvl 20 req Flurry Axes preferably on BH. PM me :)
  2. Yayo

    US WtTB ilvl28 Magefist Gloves

    Found a foamspittle Still looking to buy ilvl 28 magefists on any realm. Pm me
  3. Yayo

    US WTS Midnight Mace and Ring of Underwood

    Looking to sell some 59 pieces to fund some other things. Midnight Mace req 57 - Argent Dawn Ring of Underwood req 55 - Perenolde Looking for gold on BH or Tichondrius, also taking trades. PM me please :)
  4. Yayo

    US WTS some GF'd pieces

    I have a few items sitting that have been collecting dust as I have little interest in playing 19s Black Widow Band - Detheroc Gnoll Caster Gloves - Perenolde W̶o̶o̶d̶/̶M̶e̶t̶a̶l̶w̶o̶r̶k̶e̶r̶s̶ - Perenolde (sold) Bluegill Breeches - Perenolde Staff of Horrors x3 - Perenolde I have...
  5. Yayo

    US wtb scaled gloomshroud

    Looking for a req lvl 29 gloomshroud on any server and either faction. Pm me please and we can discuss details :)
  6. Yayo

    US Wts Blackwidow Band

    Have one collecting dust on Detheroc alliance. I’ve made plenty of sales/purchases and have references as well. PM me
  7. Yayo

    US Wtb Scaled Ring of Precision (27-29)

    Not picky about server or faction. PM me Also looking for a (27-29) Gloomshroud and bvb although I know the latter is unlikely. Have some gf’d items I could potentially trade as well.
  8. Yayo

    Blackened Defias Belts, Metalworking Gloves

    Blackened Defias Belt x2 - Perenolde Metalworking Gloves - Detheroc Also have a Tov on Detheroc if somebody wants it, level 7 version. Flashbomb Schematic on Darkspear is anyone is interested PM offers please.
  9. Yayo

    Green Lens of Agility

    Got one on Perenolde Horde, hit me up I have references. Couldnt find auction section anymore /: Move if needed. +25 agi, 9 stam
  10. Yayo

    Wtb Shadowfang, Bvb

    Looking to buy a shadowfang and blackvenom blade on alli, any us servers (: Cash ready.
  11. Yayo

    Green Lens of Agility, Walking boots

    I have both on perenolde US pm if interested. Looking for a shadowfang too, so open to trades
  12. Yayo

    talon of vultros

    on perenolde, we can negotiate pricing :p
  13. Yayo

    Ret Pally

    Hey guys, how are 24 ret pallys doing? I kept putting off making one and decided i finally should. Are they an okay pick? If not what would you reccomend. I dont want to roll a fotm.
  14. Yayo

    Spell Hit Cap

    Hey guys, what are some sets you're all using to hit cap? I was thinking about using spidersilk drape, lavishly jeweled ring, and slippers of unturned loyalties. I've seen a lot of people using +5hit to boots, is it worth giving up the minor speed? Thanks ;)
  15. Yayo

    Enh in ptr?

    Can anyone tell me how enhancement shaman are in the ptr?
  16. Yayo

    24 boomkin

    Anyone have a link to a bis 24 boomkin?
  17. Yayo

    Enhance Shaman

    Draenei or dwarf? Thanks :)
  18. Yayo

    Shaman Chardev

    Hey guys, I was bored today and started messing around with sets and made this chardev 9 It looks a little more squishy, I was going for a more offensive set. What are your guys' thoughts?
  19. Yayo

    Shaman Chardev

    Hey guys, I was bored today and started messing around with sets and made this chardev 9 It looks a little more squishy, I was going for a more offensive set. What are your guys' thoughts?
  20. Yayo


    Is the bracket getting pops? Us btw