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  1. Smn

    Top movies?

  2. Smn

    Which twink are you enjoying the most during AV event?

    It's not that fun anymore since everyone now goes for fast games
  3. Smn

    Twink Alterac Valley (TW event) Screenshot Thread

    29 Rest Druid, played 1 game before this and focused more on healing and getting that 500 more rep I needed. But I could see that I would not be able to do as much or even close to as much healing as all those 120s. So in this game, I focused more on getting a few kills and not get caught out of...
  4. Smn

    WoW's 15th Anniversary XP-OFF BG's!!!

    Isn't everyone supposed to be in the same bracket?
  5. Smn

    Are ZG and NAXX40 enchants still a thing?

    You cant transfer between accounts when you have heirlooms equipped/ in your bag/bank. But BoA items of other rarity’s works, at least those that I have tested, Big Blizzard Bear and some gear from achelogy.
  6. Smn

    New to 110 bracket, seems VERY 1 sided.

    Its the other way around in eu. Its more horde than ally twinks. If you want more even games you can just have some que as mercenaries. So go horde if you want to be able to have even matchups.
  7. Smn

    New to 110 bracket, seems VERY 1 sided.

    Or just q as a mercenary
  8. Smn

    New to 110 bracket, seems VERY 1 sided.

    In the 110 bracket its possible to play as a mercenary if you want more even games.
  9. Smn

    With the changes do I go 20?

    Transfer your 110 to a acc without bfa and keep do bgs on that one
  10. Smn

    US /deleted

    Anyone who falls for the spectral tiger mount scam deserves to get scamed. His offer could actually have been legit if it were a spectral tiger cub
  11. Smn

    EU+US Sad day then?

    The first battle chest came in tbc and included vanilla and tbc. So that’s not true
  12. Smn

    EU+US Azerite from bgs on legion account?

    Timewalking bosses gives 30 azerite (40 for the end bosses)
  13. Smn

    Twinks entering XP-on BGs is probably about to get fixed

    Never said that is something that would be fixed. But blizzard could very well change their mind, since vets/f2p’s would be the next target for the angry leveler mob.
  14. Smn

    Twinks entering XP-on BGs is probably about to get fixed

    There could also be a fix for banked xp for vets incoming if they get more attention.
  15. Smn

    Twinks entering XP-on BGs is probably about to get fixed

    If they ever were about to fix this, f2p/ vets would be one step closer to be in the xpoff bracket. So for all you that hope this is getting fixed, are you sure you want this? I mean there would be no more levelers and even more 29’s. Haven’t been using this myself. So I don’t know how many...
  16. Smn

    How Do I Respec my Artifact Weapon?

    You can get the fire and arcane also. Just need to do some quest
  17. Smn

    EU Frostwolf clan rep wintrade

    Years ago it worked that way, but not now. If its less then 40 ppl in the bgit means that someone did not joined the bg (missed que) or left after joining. So if you want pops you will need 80 ppl. Unless it’s been changed randomly in the last patch.
  18. Smn

    EU Frostwolf clan rep wintrade

    "Minimum should be 18v18 to trigger procs. " Read this and you can clearly see that he does not mean queuing for war games. Also, you won't get rep in /wg which is what he is after.