Search results

  1. *America's Next Powerhouse Guild? (with descriptions)*

    ahh yes, i deleted my whole real id mid rage after being gy farmed for a full day. Next time im on ill re add ya :)
  2. <tRain cOw> US - Bleeding Hollow [A] Recruiting

    Re: <tRain cOw> US - Bleeding Hollow [A] Recruiting ha mac miller in your picture, more like smack killer or something gay like that for a clown like him
  3. *America's Next Powerhouse Guild? (with descriptions)*

    Please your making my eyes water. Such an admirable tink, glad you got rid of that flamboyant boyfriend kancer. Ride on :)
  4. *America's Next Powerhouse Guild? (with descriptions)*

    Sodawater: Kinda left Cray and I in the cold, or perhaps you didn't have room to list. By the way I admire your writing style greatly.
  5. US Real life pictures - 19's only - this is necessary

    Sodawater: More pictures, ill put one of me up soon if more come in
  6. Umm not cool.

    Lsftw vs Ls

    tittle says it all get on your 19s
  8. Shadow priests

    I just wanted to know what shadow priets are like and if they are viable for premading. And just any tips on how to play them
  9. Warlock spec?

    what is the best warlock spec now
  10. Girdle of the blindwatcher?

    who drops this now?
  11. 19 Twink priest

    NO! priests need 7 hit which i have pots for so im not going to waste my time loosing stats and haste for shit house hit rating its usless on all casters just use fucking pots
  12. 19 Twink priest

    my priest is normally holy im just disc atm, trying it out. just like any feedback possible, and yes i know i am missing lucky fishing hat Armory link: Salmon @ Azgalor - Game - World of Warcraft
  13. how can i maximize my rogues ambush crits?

    i wanna make my rogue hit like 1k+ with ambush i just want to know if thats still possible if so how
  14. WTS assassin's blade

    i will buy it off you for like 800g if you come to azgalor there is a good twinking community
  15. WTB assasins blade

    Im on azgalor us and i need 1 assasins blade if anyone has one i will buy it off you
  16. are 19 backstab rogues good?

    I know that level 19 backstab rogues used to own but what are they like now?
  17. WTB Mindthrust braces

    I really really need them but im getting a faction cahnge and an account change so i dont really want to have to get a server transfer aswell if anyone of you guys want to come to azgalor i will buy em off you plus there is a good guild on alliance side
  18. WTB Mindthrust braces

    im on azgalor us horde or alliance it is not a problem, prefably ally though
  19. Us WTB Assasins blades

    Im on US Azgalor and i am willing to transfer to you. Gimme a post on these forums if u are interested.
  20. Selling Entire Collection! 2000+ items!

    I would like to buy an assasins blade im on the server azgalor us and i play ally my name is niteblaid