Search results

  1. any active twink guilds?! and what realm?!

    any active twink guilds?! and what realm?!
  2. i'd give back the armor if it'd save the community

    i'd give back the armor if it'd save the community
  3. even 29 twinks arent taking it seriously.... "get over it bro the brackets dead' i don't want to...

    even 29 twinks arent taking it seriously.... "get over it bro the brackets dead' i don't want to get over it I want to save it. I love the 20-29 scene theres great people in here. make 112 gear accessible again. or drop the ilvl idc. I have the 112 set on my hunter and I don't want it that bad...
  4. PLEASE save the 20-29 bracket!

    PLEASE save the 20-29 bracket!