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  1. World of Twinkcraft

    Mine's a bit different. I helped blizzard in the past and they banned me. So now I am ok with exploiting as revenge. I will find every hole I can in this game and if its another dupe so be it. I already lost my tigers anyway.
  2. 10's Dragonflight Basic PvE Guide (REMOVED)

    the headhunter jo gives ilvl 33 items at 10 just a heads up. can be upgraded but mine didnt so I dont have a number beyond that
  3. A way to exp..

    you can do a 5 man queue and keep 4 in a group. then do a queue with your 5th as roulette queue that you want to level and have an entire team to your self. so if you want to multibox dungeons super easy way to farm scourgestones at the same time while leveling as well.
  4. A way to exp..

    what I do to powerlevel my alts requires 3 accounts. I will label them to make it easier account A=Main, B=Character to be leveled, C=person leaving party. Character C invites A and B, enters queue. Once in the dungeon C leaves the party, outside of the instanced party A B C will still be in a...
  5. A few more questions...

    1) for monk not really because tinkers share a cooldown. I just stick with boost. 2) for int theres nothing major that will speed up your runs but I would use inf divisible ooze 3) I dont even use grenades anymore as its not a huge improvement over your aoe spam unless you need the stun. 4) as...
  6. Monk crane kick damage

    in healer spec where it does the most damage it actually scales off of int.
  7. 10s Armory List

    would like to be the first DH on there lol. work in progress. 4 hours and no vial
  8. 10 demon hunters

    awesome thanks. and i hope you are able to get one. mine was a deleted character i restored and then did the upgrade on
  9. 10 demon hunters

    if you had a dh that you have not logged into for a while you will get the option to do a gear reset. well that teleports you to org and you stay the same level.
  10. No xp off anymore?

    from what i saw today running mythic raids was that the ilvl is great except for set pieces which made no sense since they dont work anymore lol.
  11. Extremely high ilvl weapons

    i cant post photos or links for being new but imgur a/RmuURop
  12. Extremely high ilvl weapons

    So while messing around with shadowlands stuff on my level 10, I found out that there is no way to skip via threads of fate. So I started the story grind in search of rares. And what I found was amazing. Turns out all quest items and dungeon items scale to your level etc. But killing rares drops...