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  1. Semiori

    30s Raiding Communities?

    The link for EU community is not working anymore. :(
  2. Semiori

    f2p botanica and mechanar?

    Or get carried by high level.
  3. Semiori

    F2P/Vet Picture Thread

    NELF males for me pls. It would be great if we could mod our chars like in FFXIV. I got pretty damn hot highlander male there. ;)
  4. Semiori

    The War Within F2P & Veteran Armory

    Hi! I am Semiori and I am an altoholic. :) Ok so here are my topless male twinks: Semifury - Silvermoon - Fury Warrior Seminalle - Silvermoon - Resto Sham Semiuros - Silvermoon - Guardian Druid Semipiru - Silvermoon - Vengeance DH
  5. Semiori

    Korrak's Revenge 2023 (Nov 14-Dec 7)

    I just checked. They are ilvl63 and cost mostly 1 mark of honor and 20 timewarped badge. Weapons cost more tho.
  6. Semiori

    Weapon Enchant Off-Hand

    What about dancing steel or superior potency for OH? Lifestealing seems to be great option for MH. And for 2h I suppose mighty agility is the way to go or..? EDIT: just figured out this thread was for lvl 10. I was talking about lvl29 tho.