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  1. SilverPeace

    does anyone else play one chunk ironman on oldschool runescape?

    Nice info! Didn't know about the one-chunk mode until your post. It appears a bit too grindy in nature for me, but I wish you the best of luck in your journey! Instead of the Oldschool version, I play Runescape 3 the newer version (graphic simp) alongside WoW for quite some time. :PeepoGlad:
  2. SilverPeace

    Twentified 11.0 PTR Patch Notes - Release Date: July 23rd

    Thanks for enlightening me: Can existing F2P characters gain Artisan Riding by any means? Or MoP Remix is the only way to go? :slight_smile:
  3. SilverPeace

    To celebrate

    Holy s***. I'm so sorry for my ignorance! I always thought the quest was bugged out and the ride is unobtainable on F2P. I'll go check it up again. :-D Thanks Master Magrain!
  4. SilverPeace

    To celebrate

    Ahhhh but it's not obtainable through MOP Remix, am I right? :-( I've reached Exalted with the Order of the Cloud Serpents and done all quests, but sadly no flying serpent is obtained.
  5. SilverPeace

    To celebrate

    Master Magrain, can you guide me how to obtain this? :POGGERS:
  6. SilverPeace

    F2P Collection Website

    I am so sad, should've consulted the mighty Conzil before obtaining the dragon. Now I'm forever stuck with the tiny T-Rex arms on my Renewed Proto-Drake. :( (I thought it has the large wings as his arms but apparently the small T-Rex arms under his body are his actual arms. :Sadge:.)
  7. SilverPeace

    How to spend my gold as f2p?

    Dear @CroyeTchor , can you elaborate more / give coordinates for the said vendors? :KKomrade: Thank you so much in advance!
  8. SilverPeace

    An actual, honest-to-god, F2P leaderboard

    Silverpeace - Proudmoore (US) Am I late to the party, or can I still join in? :KKomrade:
  9. SilverPeace

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    Thanks for such detailed reply, dear taintedseraph! :KKomrade: On a side note: Anyone willing to port me to Isle of Thunder so this little pally can get his Class Arsenal? I'm at US server Proudmoore.
  10. SilverPeace

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    Question regarding Class Ensemble & Class Arsenal Good day all, I'm looking to complete the achievement Landfall in order to pickup the Class Ensemble. Seeing that we're unable to complete Campaign: Landfall due to being stuck on the Divine Bell quest (where we're unable to click on the bell, as...
  11. SilverPeace

    [F2P] Holy Paladin FTW

    My 2 cents: Holy Paladin is the best F2P class to solo! Let me break it down for you. :POGGERS: - Heavy Plate Armor: As one of only two healer classes capable of equipping heavy plate armor (the other being the Death Knight), this characteristic affords Holy Paladins superior protection...