Only Almond/Fusion/Walder would post a screenshot of at least a 4 twink hunter 1 healer premade beating 10 horde twinks consisting of....Feral druids/Arcane Mages and Ret paladins. Didn't think it was possible for someone to be more retarded then Conq...
You can get similar results by stacking agi due to the fact mastery generally has niche effects. The -25% reduction give or take isn’t the big issue for a lot of classes compared to it affecting less then 50% of total damage(feral,enhance,etc). Back on topic thou.
Crit/Mastery feral is pretty common. It's impressive Multitotem was able to do that damage with Breadwinner and Sallya, Two of the most geared 20s, Otherwise it's pretty common for ferals to be up the top of the charts.
Well said. Their is nothing impressive/hipster about playing the spec that scales the best in the game from ilvl/weapon damage with an ilvl 49. Less impressive then survival bramble fotm.
Pretty sure 90% of rogues @ 20 would of killed @Resto in that fight. Missing 2 kicks and using a 3 point Between the Eyes is pretty :Kappa:. Hope to see more Voc vids in the future!