Search results

  1. Hearing offers - Night Blade Req lvl 18 Ilvl 27. NA

    quick bump before I close a deal.
  2. Hearing offers - Night Blade Req lvl 18 Ilvl 27. NA

    feel free to message me on here, or discord nate#1239
  3. WTB Lola’s eve and more (US) any server

    Still looking for all^
  4. Found an iLvl 28 Mark of Malorne with a socket, any good for twinks?

    Is a standard / average trinket. But yes, usable by twinks.
  5. WTB Lola’s eve and more (US) any server

    Looking for Lola’s eve (Req lvl 18-20) Outland/Northrend pickpocketing boxes in bulk Any old BFA items that were scaled down Req lvl (16-20) Msg me for pricing, questions Discord is nate#1239
  6. WTB ilvl 28 Gnarled Ash Staff and Gerp's Perfect Arrow BH

    I’ve got one of the things your looking for added you on btag by lubdub
  7. LF Mail Feverflare [28] US

    I’ve got some of the stuff your looking for btag is lubdub#1513