Search results

  1. Am now x3

    Am now x3
  2. Sorry, I'm around now and will stay logged in for a few hours x.x

    Sorry, I'm around now and will stay logged in for a few hours x.x
  3. I do not get the option, just 'show all'

    I do not get the option, just 'show all'
  4. Thanks x3 very round about way of doing it haha, though I can't find any 'start conversation' option

    Thanks x3 very round about way of doing it haha, though I can't find any 'start conversation' option
  5. Hi? I'm not sure how to message you, but it said to contact you for an invite to the alliance...

    Hi? I'm not sure how to message you, but it said to contact you for an invite to the alliance guild on Kel'thuzad. My character name is Tabernarius :)