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  1. Quinte

    Best Hunter's pet(s) for F2P

    I've seen the video "What is the Best Hunter Pet?" and now I sound like a meme..
  2. Quinte

    Best Hunter's pet(s) for F2P

    Hi! I've decided to play as a hunter (marks/survival). I play as a full f2p account, for example, I don't have accest to dungeons and so on. Anyway, I want to ask you guys, what's the best hunter pet and what talent should it has? Right know, I've discovred Sekhan, a "tiger" from Highmountain...
  3. Quinte

    Can you help a noob?

    Hi! I'm new here and also pretty new in the twinks' world. I have a few questions about gearing. First of all, I'm just a F2P player. I never have paid for a subscription. I've created my character few weeks ago and start playing. 1. I've seen some people who have some gear pieces with 50 item...