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  1. Hot best of 19 US !

    I really suck at jumps. Hopefully I make up with it in healing. As always, thank you for the compliments. Many of you are extremely generous with your words.
  2. Hot best of 19 US !

    I don't know about being a God but I do appreciate the kind compliments. I had a hard time chasing you earlier, Good job!
  3. Hot best of 19 US !

    With all them muscles how do you not crush your keyboard?
  4. Hot best of 19 US !

    My opinion and just an opinion: Druid: Scrappy, Murberry, FC Rogue: Donmagicjuan Priest: Justfine, Cap, I am somewhere in top 5 Hunter: Kitkite Warrior: Fix Warlock: Grizzle, Breathica (my warlock) Shaman: ? Mage: ? Paladin: Crewsader, Corbinfisher
  5. Hot best of 19 US !

    Thank you for your kind words. Dahealermon! I love it. Dahealermon!