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  1. NavetFris

    2h spellhance theory craft.

    Hello, the whole point of spellhance is to play enhance without being in melee, it is a possible build if you play with a 2 hander and go full mastery. You spec into ele blast and lava burst. You just stand back and do lighting bolt + ele blast. Your burst is ele blast + frost shock. With the...
  2. NavetFris

    TWW Comeback ?

    Hello, any interests in bringing back 20s arena/bg wargames in TWW? the gear seems to be the same as shadowlands for the most part so for most of us we can just log on and have fun? This potentially mean that poonfist will bring back the wreckful tourney with cash prize where cooch candle will...
  3. NavetFris

    <Stuck at Graveyard> -Bleeding Hollow (A)

    Any thoughts ?
  4. NavetFris

    sup nigga

    sup nigga
  5. NavetFris

    The Wreckful Cup - $500 SL20 3V3 Tourney

    Hello, everyone... I am reaching out to you today to announce that cooch candle has disband. The multiple practices and wargames became too demanding for my partners. On a happier note, I am currently recruiting a healer and a dps player to compete in this tournament. If that interests you...
  6. NavetFris

    "Your game of the week" thread.

    hunter diff is probably the answer you are looking for. however i dont bg much so i couldnt really know.
  7. NavetFris

    "Your game of the week" thread.

    very entertaining thread. well done.