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  1. looking to join twink guild

    heys guys just to start off ive been away from wow for a few months now, but with cata coming up i feel as though i should start getting back into the swing of things, i plan on makeing 2 new 49 twinks through the recrute a friend system to level them extreamly fast when i get bored with...
  2. new to 49s help me pick a class

    hey guys im makin a fresh new 49 twink right here on ruin....i really like melee class so i was planning on going with a class that excels in that area in the bracket...what calss should i makei was thinking warrior, ret pally, rogue, or enhance shammy...also keep in mind i wont have ny BoA's so...
  3. new to 39s help me choose a class

    hey guys im new to the 39 bracket and was woundering if one of u could give me the high and low on all the classes? also how hard the gearing is for each class, keep in mind that iwill not be having any BoA's ill have plenty of cash so that wont be a problem...thank :)
  4. 19 warr questions

    im almost done making my 19 warr and i got a few questions...first off what spec should i go with and why? second is enchants, i plan on getting thorbias gauntlets but should i be going with 15agi/7str/10 haste, i plan on getting all 3 eventually but idk how long that will take so which is the...
  5. BiS gear for a 19 warr and shaman

    thanks for all ur help! but i got one more question reguarding enchants......should i be going with crusader on glacial stone and my one hnd sword? also what about 100hp comaired to 4stats for chest?
  6. BiS gear for a 19 warr and shaman

    title says it all...i wont have access to boas so keep that in mind....also need some help reguarding specs so that would be great too...thanks guys
  7. 39 enh shammy, ret pally, or arms war

    well looks like nightblade is out of te question but ik bonbiter is better then lumbering ogre axe.....anyone lse got any imput?
  8. 39 enh shammy, ret pally, or arms war

    title says it looking to make a shiny new 39 twink, should i go with a enh shammy, ret pally, or arms/prot,fury warr? my toons gonna be on the alli side...PoD is pretty much out of the question so ill be using bonebiter/nightblade...thanks :)