Search results

  1. horde guilds, listen up

    Bracket seems competitive.
  2. Wargames

    neither me or juan will be available to form tonight. so probably shoot for games again next weekend unless anybody else wants to form.
  3. Wargames

    thanks for all who played tonight. forming again tommorow same time. come twink
  4. 20s wargames ,

    20s wargames ,
  5. 20s wargames 5 spots left, come twink whisper Juán-BleedingHollow for invite

    20s wargames 5 spots left, come twink whisper Juán-BleedingHollow for invite
  6. invites going out for 20s wargames whisper Juán-BleedingHollow for invite

    invites going out for 20s wargames whisper Juán-BleedingHollow for invite
  7. Wargames

    no sign ups just show up and have games.
  8. US Greetings.

    Tldr jwl talks too much doesn't actually play the game voc is more washed than he is edgy and kakakaka is Juan one of the few fcs who managed to throw more games than mvq in the 19s bracket kracks somehow is involved in every xpoff argument and 20-29 is dead
  9. How is Classic WoW?

    The video is actually pretty accurate for mage.
  10. Addons

    1 reroll to 20s bracket 2 19s are dead 3 win games 4 enjoy?
  11. Kracks is easily better than goggles any day. Jwl could you point me towards some impressive...

    Kracks is easily better than goggles any day. Jwl could you point me towards some impressive gameplay from you bc I havnt seen it
  12. RIP <druhgy and friends> sad sad day.

    Imagine saying rip. Neon should have never been in charge. Remake with a better name, ezpz. congrats on a better guild -reilyreid