Search results

  1. Quackbesteu

    [EU] 19 Twink Hub

    With Cata around the corner I cleaned up a lot of the channels, roles and what not in the EU Hub and also added a Cata Changes channel to show the majority of the 'bigger' changes that come in Cataclysm for 19 twinks. - If you have never played Cata and I mean actually never played it, not one...
  2. Quackbesteu


    Ingredients 185g unsalted butter 185g best dark chocolate 85g plain flour 40g cocoa powder 50g white chocolate 50g milk chocolate 3 large eggs 275g golden caster sugar Method STEP 1 Cut 185g unsalted butter into small cubes and tip into a medium bowl. Break 185g dark chocolate...
  3. Quackbesteu


  4. Quackbesteu

    19 Twink insta-BiS Wotlk PServer

    bump its been up for a week !!
  5. Quackbesteu

    who wins in a fight

    snicker ice cream best of list 1. crispy - overall great player, major improvement 2. normal snicker
  6. Quackbesteu

    <Verums Guild> & <Verums Guild II> @ PyrewoodVillage EU

    Not long ago I was down on my luck, I had 1 gold coin and 4 Peacebloom to my name. I thought I was going to be evicted from my 1 bedroom flat in Dwarven District. From out of no where almost like he was sent by our lord and saviour Wsgpvp himself, a young Verum walked into the infamous cheese...
  7. Quackbesteu

    [EU] 19 Twink Hub

    Pyrewood Alliance is the biggest 19 server, most of us have alts on horde also on this server. All the people you listed play on Pyrewood, Arkant Nic and Ondura have alts on both horde and ally. Ondura isnt too active in 19s as much as he used to be neither is Vianco but he only had a Horde 19...
  8. Quackbesteu

    Mists Of Pandaria 19's Revival

    dont plan on playing here or anything but if u think banning BM monks will speed up the game i feel like u rly didnt play retail mop at all. should really consider unbanning them, makes no sense to have them banned but do ur thing anyway not particularly bothered
  9. Quackbesteu

    [EU] Best of 19 Twinks

    I solo queue until around 9pm every night server time. Half the people on my best of list I haven't queued with. Also why you make an a new account to post on? Say it with your chest
  10. Quackbesteu

    [EU] Best of 19 Twinks

    Druid: Finner, Loone. Rogue: Ninadobb, Outplayed. Priest: Wandgirlx, Nev, Mumpls. Hunter: Tnakra, Quack. Warrior: Terrytryhard, Enabled. Warlock: Nicozy. Shaman: Nicozy, Vulpz. Mage: Nev, Mumpls, Morphyn. Paladin: Mumpls, Fhayr. - Brocolinus idk where this little french guy came out of but holy...
  11. Quackbesteu

    [EU] 19 Twink Hub

    Added more channels including a guild recruitment channel where you can let people know about your guild within a few words including server and faction, if you're recruiting open to wargame etc. Everyone can read it, only GMs can post in it. If you're a GM of a major guild or a smaller but...
  12. Quackbesteu

    most gamebreaking gameplay?

    Think it's hard to say because it all depends. If you're queuing a premade and you've alerted people you're doing it then it's kind of fair play especially if you're doing it to snipe another premade. If you just randomly grab 6-7 people with no intent but to farm pugs then yes it's toxic...
  13. Quackbesteu

    [EU] 19 Twink Hub

    Due to a big increase in activity in recent weeks (probably because of lock downs and Christmas) The discord has been cleaned up, added more roles and channels (and will be adding more) and welcoming every EU 19 twink willing to follow the rules and not be too overly obnoxious. Definitely...
  14. Quackbesteu

    2020 election

    well we've found a progressive vegan Obama supporter
  15. Quackbesteu

    2020 election

    I don't trust polls, they were wrong about brexit, wrong about trump 2016 and so many other things even going back before that.
  16. Quackbesteu

    2020 election

    I really don't think Biden can win, but the way 2020 has gone, nothing would be a surprise to me. Yeah I'm in the same boat, it impacts the whole world in multiple ways.
  17. Quackbesteu

    2020 election

    Yes I mean't this - but I think any 'smart' socialist would obviously support stronger border to avoid illegal aliens in your country etc etc. Didn't mean it was a socialist belief, but that they SHOULD support it regardless
  18. Quackbesteu

    2020 election

    I think the average working democrat and the average working republican probably are very similar with their beliefs, asides moral things like Gay Marriage and Abortion. I think they both want lower taxes on the middle class. I think they both want a strong border not allowing in illegal aliens...
  19. Quackbesteu

    2020 election

    Assume you're left wing? But I agree with a good 99% of this. Well said.