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  1. Oie

    Pre-release check list

    Posture-Check yourself from time to time. And remind everyone in the /world chat as well.
  2. Oie

    EU+US F2P Gear Help

    I managed to get an epic upgrade on Orkus' Spaulders. Not helpful to the conversation, but I'm super happy about it. The Discontinuer's Hammer is good, but there are comparable hammers out there. The one from the bg crate for example. You could do the Ghostlands questline and try for an...
  3. Oie

    Which Rares Should I Farm?

    Thank you for the link and knowledge!
  4. Oie

    Which Rares Should I Farm?

    What about other slots? Or maybe someone (hopefully) has a list of BiS for shaman (or other classes) with the locations of each item?
  5. Oie

    Which Rares Should I Farm?

    Hi. I'm new to the forum, but I did spend some time looking for this topic elsewhere to no avail. If it has been posted before, please point me in the right direction. If not, can someone please tell me which rares I should be farming for possible epics on my lvl 20 vet resto sham? I have...