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  1. Leveling Twinks- A Contradiction?

    @Flint I have been doing exactly what you are proposing. My Baby 'rolling' Twink Lock is currently level 46. A lot of her XP has come from the battlegrounds, it's a pretty nice way to level and you get a fair amount of XP but not so much that you level too quickly. As she progressed, I...
  2. "Lock Macros and UI Help

    /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide() /use 13 /use 14 /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show() /castsequence reset=target Curse of Agony, Corruption Uses trinkets before casting and resets when you change target : the errorsframe line means you don't get annoying spam if...
  3. 39 warlock

    Mizat Not 39 yet so some improves to add but she's on her way