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  1. Ferender

    Warband Bank access revoked for F2Ps & Vets

    I'm suprised the warbanks worked on accounts without gametime to begin with. Does suck that it seems to be gone though.
  2. Ferender

    LifeStealing for f2p

    I have the toy, if you still need help lmk
  3. Ferender

    No XP for party members

    You need to get into an instance group, which is not the same as a party You can do this by having everyone queue for the same thing at the same time and only accept when it shows up for everyone
  4. Ferender

    First Twink

    Here's a decent enough video that I wished I had seen before I made my monk, it has been helping me with my fresh horde warrior
  5. Ferender

    What did you loot today?=)

    Got this bonus mount last night on an account with no gametime so sadly couldnt trade
  6. Ferender

    How will warbands work when an account is locked in TWW?

    it was working before the free weekend, i was working on a 20 evoker. unless they go and change it so trials cant access it.
  7. Ferender

    20 bis list?

    Is there a good resource that shows what enchants/gems are good?
  8. Ferender

    20 bis list?

    i just came back to play a 20 evoker and was wondering the same thing. been trying to gear while playing the PoE league
  9. Ferender

    Who is genuinely excited for Cataclysm classic?

    i think they need to stop at legion at the latest, but it seems like they are gonna keep going all the way past Dragonflight classic
  10. Ferender

    better gear for 60's?

    all the ones ive got have been from LFR i wouldnt use or invest because they hotfixed the assault quests rewards pretty quickly
  11. Ferender

    My 11 got to DF and can fly

    I still see where the hunts are located and im still getting 45 rep per event
  12. Ferender

    All F2P mounts?

    can f2p do island expeditions?
  13. Ferender

    Dagger for rogue

    i used to have a font like that :(
  14. Ferender

    I miss my 111 :(

    i too miss spaming islands on my 110 DH
  15. Ferender

    What's one thing you wish you didn't do?

    my old 111 warrior was bugged and still had the rethu's legendary passive for the longest time but while playing him it got removed
  16. Ferender

    Ironfoe farm possible?

    Bugged Tooltips Shadowlands name a more iconic duo
  17. Ferender

    Which would be better?

    No, i had logged in after prepatch but I always kept my character in the same place for the most part. I think I ran diremaul once then hearthed and I still had the buff. I also made my rethu's sometime during bfa so it was already fully upgraded
  18. Ferender

    Which would be better?

    its already been ruined though it must have happened between me killing garrosh and logging out
  19. Ferender

    Which would be better?

    Yeah i can log in a screenshot, but idk how it happened. I've had it since prepatch though. I guess doing SoO last night "fixed it" so I wasnt able to screenshot it. But here is some buff uptimes from last night to show I actually had it at one point
  20. Ferender

    Which would be better?

    I still use it to farm, atm im just not touching the gear at all. but the new necrolord warrior banner looks pretty good