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  1. Worth coming back to WoW for twinking?

    That's great to know, I think I will stick with the 39 bracket, I'm gonna probably come back then. :D I take it I can just copy some armories around here for what I should be going for gear wise?
  2. Worth coming back to WoW for twinking?

    Oh no I'm not coming back to play with Asmon, I play Horde anyway, I did find out about this through his stream but I don't want to come back for that reason, I've always loved twinking and I'm glad it's a thing again. I always regretting screwing up my original twink. The only one I've ever...
  3. Worth coming back to WoW for twinking?

    I may be thinking of another pair of boots, or getting the price completely wrong, I really don't remember. Sorry if I got the prices wrong! I just want to know if it's worth it to come back, I'd very much like to but I guess I want to research some before I drop the money on another sub lol...
  4. Worth coming back to WoW for twinking?

    Hey guys, I used to twink a long time ago, back in either the BC or LK days I really don't remember. I was a 39 hunter and had so much fun. I remember using the hyena pet for the 35 or 45% reduced movement speed and just spamming arcane shot and 1 shotting people. It was a lot of fun and I don't...