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  1. Did I miss something?

    Opinion, I dint mean this rudely as your post have been helpful to me, but niether of ur responses make sense. Gurubashi Arena activates every 3 hrs from 12 (12,3,6,9,12,3,6...) based on server time.. Not the time on your micriwave. So both euros and us will be going forbit at same time if...
  2. Did I miss something?

    If all of us new f2p 20s are on AP like I have witnessed while making him, how will anyone manage to get AGM? Can F2Ps not get it somehow or what? Im all for having everyone together so that we can fight with eachoher etc. etc. but how do we fully gear?
  3. Getting disconnected in SW?

    Another reason why this is happening was given to me a month ago by a GM on my real account: on every toon i went on i experienced no lag or any problems until i went into SW, where i would be DC'd and then when attemtping to relog be frozen on loading screen. i woulkd have to get a GM to...
  4. RECRUITING - [A]? - US - Are you a Gladiator on your main?

    To the above posters I have many typos due to using an iPod for all of this, spilled a drink on computer keyboard and it won't work. Im not sure how you can forget my toon's name, i spelled it out for you in the post you decietfully responded to. We proceeded to fight in the arena, not a duel...
  5. RECRUITING - [A]? - US - Are you a Gladiator on your main?

    ^^^^ where are you getting this? My toons name is not winadin and nor did i solicit membership. There was no 85 and no other paladin. Nor am i trying to troll as i said before. In the arena was nyself (my toons namewas vorreiter, german for trailblazer, my first truck lol) whom i have decided...
  6. RECRUITING - [A]? - US - Are you a Gladiator on your main?

    Oh i understand your reply now werked I apoligize i believed him that it was you. Thank god thats not rly part of your team.
  7. RECRUITING - [A]? - US - Are you a Gladiator on your main?

    No i wasn't trying to trolk and no im not joelol or the other twink you posted. My goal was not to troll, look at all my post history and ive never meant any sort of trolling. I just was extremely irritated how arrogant this thread seems to be(maybe i took it the wrong way) and i felt that...
  8. RECRUITING - [A]? - US - Are you a Gladiator on your main?

    Im a half geared rogue on manno and was goin to gurubashi arener today and a 19 pally there. Dudes name was cannedsoup or canofsoup sumthin idk. Naturally i ask if hes twink(obv) to make friend lol. Well hestarts talking about how he is werked from and this is his guild, how rheyre a big...
  9. Rogue Gear

    lol guys. Next thing: I see that the subrogue set has like all crit rating. But i also see peuces of tjhe same slot with no crit rating but 1 agi. Isnt agi more important then crit rating? besides increasing our damage, doesnt agi also incr crit %? So crit rating or agi? Also, i read...
  10. Rogue Gear

    Okay with kick and gouge. But towards last part, im talking bout 1v1. We try to giht it out 1v1 in Gurubashi arena. Is backstab useful? Like is it worth switching to dagger and backstabbing or is backstab same as or weaker then sinister strike? Also, on specs: is the increased. 75% OH Damage...
  11. Rogue Gear

    ^^Thank you for the how to. Very informative. Alright then. Another question, how do you beat paladin? /discuss
  12. Rogue Gear

    Lol well thankyou for the helpful advice ftom some guys. When u said anyone can farm BoAs, I was under the impression that the only BoAs that are able to be purchased by honor were those fromthat vendor in the old town of SW. Convert Honor to JP - im not sure what JP is tbh. When i said no...
  13. Rogue Gear

    Well to begin with, Should i go duel cruel barb, duel skele maces, or protect sword and one of em, or something else entirely? I know you wouldnt roll rogue, but i would, and i did. If trying to get more people to join a bracket, its best to help those new comers.
  14. Rogue Gear

    And for weapons if my Protectors Sword and Cruel Barb are BiS without BoAs and Shadowfang? I also have keeshans dagge but was told swords better with SS and Ambush.
  15. Rogue Gear

    Ive been following Curleys Rogue Guide for 19s, alliance, the subtlety setup. I have no BoAs and no acess to Shadowfang. Ive noticed that the setup stacks alot of crit rating, I know this makes more likely to crit but i was told it doesnt increase the actual damage. Why doesnt he focus on...
  16. (US) AB Event 12th June

    leggo /10chars
  17. Q on 29

    Are druids viable for 1v1 as well as FC?
  18. Q on 29

    Alright guys well i had a few class related questions on 29s. I cant decide between Warrior, Pally, Shaman,and Druid. I want to be able to be very good Flag Carrier, but also just good 1v1 PvP Combat. Both roles, one charActer (probBly dif gear sets). So I was wondering which of these...
  19. Few Q's bout 29

    Yes, US. Final Q's: Average BG queue time on the 3 nights per week? Any guilds willing to help fund if we roll for them? And since now im debating 39 also, why would one choose 29 ovr 39??
  20. Worth it?

    whats the average queue time on nights, less then 15 min? and is 39 more balanced then 29?? cuz i cnt decide b/t 29 or 39